How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (2024)

To learn how much to charge for a workout plan, you should first evaluate your expertise, consider your target market, assess competition prices, account for the time and resources involved, and then test different pricing models.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (1)

Find out how much to charge for a workout plan per month, how much to charge for an online workout plan, decide how much to charge for a workout plan in the UK, US, or around the world, find out how much personal trainers charge for a workout plan, and more.

Whether you’re a personal trainer, gym owner, fitness influencer, online fitness coach, or another type of fitness professional,’s software can help you create, price, and sell workout plans effectively, all while streamlining various aspects of your business. Once you learn how much you should charge for an online workout program based on your business model, then use the best apps for selling workouts online.

One of the best ways to make money from fitness is by learning how to make money selling workout plans online. After all, you can create a workout plan once and then sell it many times, or you can create personalized workout plans for each client, or semi-personalized workout plans, or any number of variations.

With the platform you can create workout plans…

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (3)

Sell your workout plans online or in-person…

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (4)

Make your workout plans part of an online workout group (if you so choose)…

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (5)

Time release them with automations…

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (6)

Offer a workout of the day, and any number of different fitness business models, all through a professional custom branded fitness app that puts your fitness brand front and center.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (7)

“My custom-branded apps have made my life easier and helped streamline my online training, which in turn has transformed into a pretty awesome additional revenue stream for me and my family.”

Tony Gentilcore

Founder, Core Online

With’s comprehensive gym management software, top personal training software, and industry-leading best online fitness coaching software and best fitness influencer tools, you can streamline your business operations, sell workout plans and nutrition services, schedule personal training sessions, and create custom branded fitness apps to maximize your earning potential.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (8)

I sold a workout program and matched my yearly salary of in-person training within two weeks of selling to my community!

Paul Fabritz

Founder and BS, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, ACE, FMS, PJF Performance

Get a demo now!

How Much to Charge for a Workout Program

While there are many factors that go into determining how much to charge for a workout program (business model, level of personalization, etc.), here are some steps to help you determine what to charge for selling workouts online.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Expertise

Your qualifications and experience in the fitness industry can greatly influence the value of your workout plans. If you have a strong background, special certifications, or a large following, you may be able to charge a premium.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Market

Understanding your audience will help you set a price that aligns with their spending capacity and perceived value. Different markets have different willingness to pay for fitness services.

Step 3: Assess Competitive Pricing

Research what other fitness professionals with similar services and target markets are charging. This will help you find a pricing range that is competitive but also profitable.

Step 4: Calculate Time and Resources

Factor in the time it takes to create a workout plan, any additional resources like videos or equipment, and the overhead costs of your business operations. These will contribute to the minimum amount you need to charge to break even or make a profit.

Step 5: Test Different Pricing Models

You may opt for various pricing models like one-time fees, subscription-based plans, or packages. allows you to easily experiment with these models to see what best suits your business and clientele.

Step 6: Offer Discounts or Packages

Consider offering discounted rates for package deals or long-term commitments. With, you can effortlessly set up and manage these promotional pricing options.

Step 7: Adjust According to Feedback

Once your pricing is set, pay attention to customer feedback and sales performance. If needed, make adjustments to better meet the needs of your market.

Step 8: Leverage to Streamline the Process

Use’s software to efficiently create, price, and sell your workout plans. With features like payment processing, customer management, and analytics, you can easily run your fitness business end-to-end.

Read More: How to Create a PDF Workout Program Online

How to Sell Workout Plans Online

One option for selling workout plans online (among many other features that offers) is to do the following:

Use the workout plan creator to create your workout plans.

Then mark them for sale online so you can sell workout plans easily and quickly.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (10)

Publish your custom branded fitness apps to iOS and Android so you can offer a premium workout logging experience to your community.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (11)

Run fitness challenges, create online workout groups, do distance training, and of course, sell workout plans online, all right within the platform.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (12)

Want to learn more? Get a demo now!

By following these steps, you’ll be better equipped to price your workout plans in a way that is both competitive and profitable.’s robust software platform can serve as a one-stop solution for all your business needs, from creating workout plans to managing financials. Book a demo with to find out more.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (13)

Our overall experience with is a breeze. We love how easy it is to integrate this app with our current workflow while providing great fitness programs for our customers and save us time in the process.

Julie Ledbetter

Owner, Ledbetter Fitness

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The Importance of Workout Plans

For individuals seeking to improve their fitness and achieve specific goals, workout plans play a vital role in providing structured guidance and direction. A workout plan serves as a roadmap, outlining the exercises, routines, and strategies necessary to attain desired results effectively. Whether it’s losing weight, building muscle, or enhancing overall health and well-being, a well-designed workout plan can be invaluable in achieving these objectives. Learning how much to charge for a workout program calculator can also be a fun and clever way to earn more money with fitness, because then you can build something one time, and then keep earning revenue into the future (if the online workout program calculator is a dynamic tool, for example).

Determining the appropriate price for a workout plan is an essential consideration for fitness professionals looking to offer their expertise and services. Several factors come into play when deciding how much to charge for a workout plan.

Pricing should reflect not only the value of the knowledge and experience provided but also account for the effort invested in creating personalized plans tailored to individual needs. It is crucial to strike a balance that attracts potential clients while fairly compensating for time spent designing high-quality programs.

Read More:

  • How to Make Money Selling Workout Plans Online
  • How do you make a workout program and sell it?
  • Best Workout Plan Sales Software

Brief Overview of the Importance of Workout Plans

Workout plans provide structure, accountability, and motivation on an individual’s fitness journey. They act as blueprints that guide individuals through exercises while considering factors such as frequency, intensity levels, rest days, and progressive overload.

Without a well-designed workout plan in place, individuals may find themselves aimlessly navigating their fitness endeavors without clear direction or tangible progress. Furthermore, workout plans ensure safety during exercise by incorporating proper form techniques and gradually increasing difficulty levels over time.

This reduces the risk of injuries associated with improper execution or overexertion. Additionally, having a plan enables individuals to track their progress more accurately by monitoring sets, repetitions performed, weights lifted or distances covered—providing measurable data that boosts motivation when improvements are visible.

Moreover, customized workout plans cater to diverse goals such as weight loss, muscle gain or toning specific areas of the body. By tailoring exercises based on an individual’s preferences and abilities—whether they have access to gym equipment or prefer home workouts—a workout plan can be adapted to meet unique circ*mstances and circ*mstances.

Explanation of the Factors to Consider When Determining How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan

Several key factors need consideration when determining the pricing of workout plans. Firstly, the expertise and qualifications of the fitness professional play a crucial role in establishing value.

Credentials such as specific certifications, relevant degrees, or extensive experience contribute to building trust and credibility among potential clients. A fitness professional’s specialization in a particular area—such as postnatal fitness, strength training, or sports-specific conditioning—can justify higher fees due to their enhanced expertise.

Secondly, the scope and complexity of the workout plan influence pricing considerations. Basic plans typically involve standard exercises without many personalized elements.

Intermediate plans may include modifications based on individual needs or goals, while advanced plans often incorporate complex routines targeted at specific results such as bodybuilding competitions or athletic performance. The more customized and intricate the plan is, the more time investment required from the fitness professional – warranting higher charges.

It is essential to factor in the time and effort invested by fitness professionals when developing a workout plan. In addition to creating exercises that align with an individual’s goals and capabilities, designing an effective program requires research into exercise science principles, staying up-to-date with industry trends and advancements, as well as considering any special requirements related to nutrition guidance or injury prevention strategies.

All these elements contribute significantly towards crafting a well-rounded program that maximizes results for clients. By carefully considering these factors – including expertise level, plan complexity, and effort involved – fitness professionals can establish fair pricing structures that reflect their value while remaining competitive within the market.

Expertise and qualifications of the fitness professional creating the plan

Unveiling the Mastery Behind the Plan

When determining how much to charge for a workout plan, one essential factor to consider is the expertise and qualifications of the fitness professional behind its creation. Clients seek guidance from individuals who possess a deep understanding of exercise science, human anatomy, and physiology.

By mentioning certifications, degrees, or relevant experience in your pricing structure, you assure potential clients that they are investing in a plan crafted by a knowledgeable expert. Fitness professionals often accumulate various certifications such as NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), ACE (American Council on Exercise), or ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine).

These credentials reflect a commitment to ongoing education and staying up-to-date with industry best practices. Moreover, advanced degrees in sports science or related fields lend credibility to their expertise.

Highlighting these qualifications not only establishes trust but also justifies charging more for their services. Furthermore, specialized knowledge or niche expertise can be leveraged to set your workout plans apart from generic offerings.

For instance, if you have experience working with athletes or have developed strategies specifically tailored for pregnant women or individuals with certain medical conditions, emphasizing this unique expertise allows you to position your plans as premium offerings worth higher prices. By showcasing your distinct skills and knowledge in marketing materials and client consultations, you can convey the additional value clients will gain from investing in your tailored program.

Scope and complexity of the workout plan

From Basic Foundations to Advanced Mastery

The scope and complexity of a workout plan play significant roles in determining its price point. Differentiating between basic, intermediate, and advanced plans offers flexibility that caters to clients’ diverse needs and goals while justifying varying price ranges. Basic plans typically target beginners looking to establish fundamental fitness habits without overwhelming them with intricate exercises or complex programming.

Intermediate plans, on the other hand, cater to individuals seeking progression, incorporating a wider range of exercises and more advanced techniques. Advanced plans are designed for seasoned athletes or individuals pursuing competitive goals who require specialized training protocols to optimize performance.

Moreover, the inclusion of personalized elements within a workout plan further impacts its scope and complexity. Nutrition guidance tailored to individual goals and body types can significantly enhance the effectiveness of a training program.

Similarly, incorporating injury prevention strategies or modifications for clients with pre-existing conditions demonstrates an increased level of customization that justifies higher pricing. By offering different levels of plans based on complexity and personalization options, fitness professionals can meet the needs of various clients while ensuring appropriate pricing that reflects the effort and expertise invested in crafting each program.

Time and effort required to develop the plan

The Hidden Hours Behind Crafting Excellence

Behind every well-crafted workout plan lies hours of research, planning, and customization. It is crucial to communicate this time and effort to clients when determining appropriate pricing.

Creating a workout plan involves meticulous research into exercise science principles, staying abreast of current trends in fitness methodologies, and understanding how to apply them effectively. Fitness professionals invest their time in analyzing client goals, assessing their physical capabilities through assessments or consultations, and designing programs that consider individual needs while aligning with broader objectives.

Furthermore, customization is a key factor that demands significant effort. Adapting workouts based on client preferences or limitations requires careful consideration coupled with knowledge about modifying exercises for specific conditions or injuries.

Each personalized element adds value but also necessitates additional time spent tailoring nutritional guidelines or developing injury prevention strategies. By highlighting the hidden hours dedicated to delivering excellence in each workout plan development process, fitness professionals can justify higher prices as they provide clients with carefully curated programs built upon extensive expertise and substantial investment of time.

Market Analysis and Competitive Pricing

Analyzing market trends in fitness industry pricing

When determining how much to charge for a workout plan, it is crucial to analyze the prevailing market trends in the fitness industry. Conducting thorough research on pricing strategies employed by professionals in your area or prominent online platforms will provide valuable insights into what potential customers are willing to pay. By studying comparable offerings, you can gauge the general price range for workout plans and compare them against your own.

Consider factors such as the level of expertise, plan complexity, and additional services included in these offerings. This analysis will shed light on what customers perceive as reasonable prices and help you position your workout plan competitively within the market.

Discussing average prices for workout plans offered by professionals in your area or online platforms

To accurately assess pricing for your workout plan, it is essential to examine the average prices charged by fitness professionals operating within your geographical area or leading online platforms. By understanding the current market rates, you gain a sense of what customers could consider a fair investment. Industry averages may vary depending on factors like location, target audience demographics, and competitive landscape.

Start by researching local gyms, personal trainers, and online fitness platforms offering similar services. Evaluate their pricing structures based on factors like plan complexity, duration of engagement (weekly/monthly/yearly), additional support provided (e.g., coaching calls), and any unique features included.

Identifying any unique selling points that could justify charging more than competitors

While analyzing market trends helps set a benchmark for pricing, identifying unique selling points allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors and potentially charge higher rates. Consider what sets your workout plan apart from others in terms of value-added features or benefits.

For example, if you have specialized certifications or degrees that demonstrate expertise in a specific field like post-natal fitness, injury rehabilitation, or sports performance enhancement, it justifies charging a premium. Additionally, if your workout plan offers personalized elements such as tailored nutrition guidance, progress tracking tools, or access to exclusive fitness communities, these unique selling points can justify higher pricing.

It is important to strike a balance between offering competitive pricing within the market while ensuring that customers perceive the added value they receive from your workout plan justifies the investment. Understanding your unique selling points empowers you to effectively communicate these benefits and potentially command a higher price point for your services.

Evaluating your target audience’s willingness to pay

Understanding your target audience’s willingness to pay is an integral part of determining how much to charge for your workout plan. Demographic factors such as income levels and geographic location play a significant role in shaping individuals’ perceptions of value and affordability. Researching and analyzing relevant demographic data can reveal insights into spending habits and preferences.

Consider whether your target audience values convenience (e.g., at-home workouts), personalization (e.g., customized plans), or exclusivity (e.g., VIP coaching). These factors influence customers’ perception of worth when it comes to investing in a workout plan.

Additionally, conducting customer surveys or focus groups can help gather direct feedback on what individuals are willing to invest in their fitness journey. By aligning pricing with their expectations and perceived value, you increase the likelihood of attracting and retaining clients who are willing to invest in your workout plan at the price you set.

Pricing Strategies for Workout Plans

Tiered pricing structure based on plan complexity

When determining how much to charge for a workout plan, implementing a tiered pricing structure based on plan complexity can be an effective strategy. By offering different levels of plans, such as beginner, intermediate, and advanced, at varying price points, you cater to clients with diverse needs and goals. The idea behind this approach is to provide options that align with the customers’ fitness levels and expectations.

A beginner-level workout plan may include basic exercises and guidance suitable for individuals who are just starting their fitness journey. This entry-level plan would typically be offered at a lower price point to attract new clients.

In contrast, an intermediate-level plan could involve more challenging exercises or incorporate additional components like nutritional guidance or tracking tools. Consequently, the pricing for this tier might be set slightly higher to reflect the increased value provided.

An advanced-level workout plan might target experienced athletes or those seeking specialized training programs tailored to their specific sport or goals. Such a comprehensive program would warrant a higher price point due to the expertise required in its development.

Subscription-based model with recurring payments

Another viable pricing strategy for workout plans is adopting a subscription-based model with recurring payments. This approach provides several benefits for both fitness professionals and clients alike. By offering monthly or quarterly subscriptions instead of one-time purchase options, you establish ongoing revenue streams while fostering long-term commitment from your clientele.

Clients who opt for subscriptions gain access to continuous support and updated programs as their fitness journey progresses, ensuring they remain engaged and motivated over time. Moreover, this model allows customers to spread out their investment across multiple payments rather than paying a lump sum upfront.

For instance, you could offer different subscription tiers that grant access to various features such as personalized coaching sessions or exclusive content related to workouts and nutrition tips. By providing perceived added value through these tiers, clients are more likely to choose higher-priced subscriptions, further boosting revenue.

Get Started Selling Workout Plans Now

Determining the right pricing strategy for workout plans involves careful consideration of factors such as plan complexity and target audience’s willingness to pay. Incorporating a tiered pricing structure based on plan complexity allows you to cater to clients with different fitness levels and goals while appropriately valuing the expertise and effort invested in creating each plan.

Furthermore, adopting a subscription-based model with recurring payments offers benefits such as ongoing revenue streams and enhanced customer loyalty. Ultimately, finding the optimal price point for your workout plans requires market analysis, understanding your target audience’s preferences, and continuously evaluating industry trends.

By striking a balance between affordability and perceived value, you can attract clients while maintaining profitability. Remember that investing in their health is something individuals are often willing to prioritize, so it is essential to frame your pricing in a way that highlights the overall benefits they will gain from your well-crafted workout plans.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (14)

“Working with and their team has been an amazing experience and a dream come true in terms of accomplishing a vision! Their workout technology has helped us effectively engage our community, and I highly recommend to grow your business!”

Andrew Banner

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How much should I charge for a 12-week program?

Pricing for a 12-week program can vary based on the level of personalization, support, and added features. Prices can range from $100 to $1,000 or more, depending on what you offer.

How much should I charge for a workout plan per month?

For a monthly workout plan, common pricing ranges from $20 to $100 per month, varying with the level of customization and support.

How do you charge clients for personal training?

Clients can be charged per session, per package, or on a recurring monthly basis. Rates can range from $25 to $100+ per hour based on experience, location, and services provided.

How much should I charge for a fitness challenge?

Fitness challenges often cost between $20 to $50 for shorter durations, but can be more for challenges that offer extensive guidance, meal plans, and other features.

How much should I charge for a workout plan calculator?

A workout plan calculator could be an additional feature that you offer for free as a lead generator, or it could come as part of a more comprehensive package.

How to make money selling workout plans?

You can sell workout plans through your own website, through a branded app, or via social media channels. You can also use a combination of one-time purchases and recurring subscriptions.

Read More: How to Make Money Selling Workout Plans

What is a good 4-week workout plan price?

A good price for a 4-week workout plan might be in the range of $20 to $60, depending on what’s included.

What is a good 6-week workout plan price?

A 6-week plan may cost between $30 and $90, depending on features, customization, and support.

What is a good 12-week workout plan price?

For a 12-week plan, you might charge between $60 and $200 or more, based on the comprehensiveness of the plan and any added features. A 12-week personal training program cost might be more if there are personalized coaching cues and other personal training involvement throughout.

How much do you charge for a training session?

Individual training session prices can vary significantly based on your location, experience, and what you offer, ranging from $25 to $100+ per session.

Should I sell my workout plans on a recurring subscription?

Recurring subscriptions provide stable income and can be a good option if you’re providing ongoing value, updates, and support.

How do I create an online personal training package?

Online personal training packages often include workout plans, video consultations, ongoing support, and possibly nutritional advice. They can be sold as one-time packages or on a recurring basis.

What other digital fitness products can I sell besides workout plans?

Other than workout plans, you could sell nutritional guides, fitness e-books, exclusive video content, and even branded fitness merchandise.

Can I make a lot of money selling workout plans online?

The potential to make a significant income exists, but it requires quality plans, effective marketing, and customer satisfaction to sustain long-term sales.

Read More: How to Make Money Selling Workout Plans Online

How much should I charge for an online workout plan?

Online workout plan pricing can range widely, from $20 per month for basic plans up to hundreds of dollars for more comprehensive and personalized plans.

What are the benefits of using a custom branded fitness app to sell workout plans?

Using a custom branded fitness app like’s allows you to offer a cohesive and professional customer experience, from the point of purchase to plan delivery and ongoing engagement.

What is the average cost of group fitness classes?

The average cost of group fitness classes typically ranges from $15 to $25 per class, depending on factors like location, class type, and the prestige of the studio or gym. In metropolitan areas or for specialized classes like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or spinning, prices can be higher. Offering a range of class packages or memberships can make classes more affordable for clients while still maintaining profitability.’s software helps fitness professionals manage these classes efficiently, offering scheduling, client tracking, and payment processing features.

How much is the average cost of a personal trainer at the gym?

The average cost of a personal trainer at a gym varies widely, typically ranging from $40 to $100 per hour. Factors influencing the price include the trainer’s experience, qualifications, location, and the gym’s prestige. Some trainers may offer package deals or reduced rates for off-peak hours.’s platform can assist personal trainers in setting competitive prices and managing their client schedules, payments, and training programs efficiently.

How much is Crunch Fitness personal training?

The cost of personal training at Crunch Fitness varies by location and trainer experience. On average, clients can expect to pay between $60 to $100 per session. Prices may differ based on membership level, package deals, and the specific services offered by the trainer. Crunch Fitness provides various options to cater to different fitness levels and goals.

How much is LA Fitness personal training?

Personal training at LA Fitness typically ranges from $50 to $70 per hour, depending on the location and the trainer’s experience. LA Fitness offers a variety of training packages, and members may find discounted rates for buying sessions in bulk. The gym’s focus is on providing accessible and professional training services to its members.

How much is EOS Fitness personal training?

EOS Fitness personal training prices vary based on location, trainer qualifications, and training package options. Generally, sessions can range from $40 to $70 per hour. EOS Fitness offers personalized training programs, catering to individual fitness goals and preferences.

How much is Planet Fitness personal training?

Planet Fitness offers personal training as part of its membership, with costs included in the monthly membership fee. This makes personal training at Planet Fitness highly affordable, though the scope and quality of training may vary compared to specialized personal training services. The gym focuses on providing a welcoming, non-intimidating environment for members of all fitness levels.

How much do online fitness coaches charge?

Online fitness coaches typically charge between $50 to $200 per month, depending on the level of personalization, frequency of interaction, and additional services provided, like nutrition guidance or customized workout plans. Prices can vary based on the coach’s experience, reputation, and the specific needs of the client.’s platform enables online coaches to efficiently manage their services, payments, and client communication.

How to price online personal training to deliver fair value to clients and still make a profit as an online fitness coach?

To price online personal training fairly while making a profit, consider factors like your experience, the complexity of the services offered, and competitive rates in the market. A balanced approach could involve tiered pricing for different levels of service, from basic workout plans to comprehensive coaching with regular check-ins. Pricing should cover your time, expertise, and operational costs, while providing value to clients. can assist in managing and scaling online training services effectively.

How much to charge for a fitness app?

Pricing for a fitness app should reflect the app’s features, content quality, and target market. Competitive monthly subscriptions can range from $10 to $30, with options for annual subscriptions at a discounted rate. Premium features or personalized services can be priced higher. The key is to offer value that justifies the cost, ensuring customer satisfaction and retention.

How much to charge for an online fitness challenge?

Online fitness challenge pricing can vary based on the challenge’s duration, content, and level of interaction. Prices generally range from $20 to $100 per challenge. Offering tiered pricing for different levels of engagement or additional support can cater to a wider range of clients. Setting a price that reflects the value and results expected from the challenge is crucial for client satisfaction and business success.

How much to charge for an online workout group with accountability, community interaction, etc?

Pricing for an online workout group with accountability and community interaction should consider the level of support, interaction frequency, and additional resources provided. Typically, such groups might charge between $30 to $100 per month. Factors like exclusive content, live sessions, personalized feedback, and community engagement platforms justify higher pricing. It’s important to strike a balance between offering substantial value to the members and maintaining profitability.’s platform can enhance the management of such groups by facilitating communication, scheduling, and tracking, helping to provide a high-quality, engaging experience for clients.

How can help me sell workout plans? offers a comprehensive solution for fitness professionals to sell workout plans. You can manage your business, accept payments, and even provide your workout plans through a custom-branded fitness app. The platform provides a seamless, professional way to offer your services and scale your business. Book a demo to find out more.

How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (15)

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Jimmy Myers

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How Much to Charge for a Workout Plan | (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.